A few years ago I scored this baby for $10 bucks at a local oppy...no not that hot man in the background...he was free.....I'm talking about my Red Racer baby!
Well the old girl has been chilling the shed for a while, I did take her for a spin when I was about 7 months preggies...it wasn't pretty.
So yesterday I popped into the local bike shop for some new brake pads & found myself at the counter with the tinniest bike helmet I've ever seen.
Imogen hates hats so this will take a little getting used to for her (hence the pics) but after a few laps round the house she was quite happy & chatting away. Initially I thought she was still a bit young, but she fits quite snug in her little seat so I'll take her for a few short laps round the block until we both get used to riding together.
It was quite cute as the chair made her hair all fuzzy with static & she looked like some mad old man.
Hope you're all getting some sun this weekend, & maybe your first BBQ of the season...whoop whoop!