Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Holidays

Snuggles with my baby

Happy Holidays ever one.
Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas with family.
We are off to the beach for a week...whoop whoop
Have a safe & happy break
See you again in the next year

Friday, December 23, 2011

Chrissy Crafting part:2

I'm loving Fleur's style at the moment...head band over hat! hehe

The kids almost always spend some time time during December making Christmas goodies. Something I think they possibly thought every one did up until a few days ago when we had a visitor who joined in making bickies & informed us she had never done anything like this before. We have loads of fun doing all sorts of madness, and as much as I'd hate to admit it, there are times when my stress levels are at a 10 & I question my sanity?!
Most of us craft Mums are all trying install in our children the love of giving, making, creating, thought fullness & kindness. Not always easy when they're bombarded with commercial nonsense & as they get older the horrid peer pressure. It's interesting listening to what others hold as values regarding the festive season, my lovely had an interesting discussion with some friends & family today, one brother had mentioned that they had a limit of $1000 for their Children's pressies (3 kids) & they had gone over that! Is this just me or does that sound mental?? Another said 'that's what Christmas should be about...your kids getting heaps of presents!' Ged piped up ( not a regular occurrence for him to do so) & said 'hang on, that's not what Christmas is about & it's not what Christmas should be about'. Don't get me wrong here, I don't want to sound like a moaning old hag, & I love to see my kids faces light up with delight on Christmas morning, but I also love to see their faces light up when they share gifts of love to each other, home made or what ever. I'm not a particularly 'Christian' person, but I do believe in goodness, weather you're celebrating the birth of Jesus or the Solstice this week, I wish good health, good food, good memories & plenty of jolly good times (hopefully involving some grooving to the beats!)
Blessed be

Honey Soy Nuts.
1 Cup each unsalted cashews, natural almonds & pecans
1/3 Cup pumpkin seeds & sun flower seeds
1 Tbsp sesame seeds & nigella seeds (black cumin)
1 tsp chopped rosemary
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 honey
2 Tbsp sun flower oil
1 Tbsp soy sauce 

Pre-heat oven to 180 C. Line a roasting pan with baking paper. Mix seeds, herbs & spices in a large bowl. Place honey, soy & oil in a pan and melt over a low heat. Once melted pour over seeds, mix to cover & place in a flat layer in you roasting pan. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until seeds are golden brown, stirring occasionally. Allow to cool completely, stirring occasionally again to prevent clumping. Bag up or be a piggy & eat them all yourself...nom nom

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Crafty Pressies

Pencil holders

Little note books

Bed time bags, to be filled with a home made pair of jammies & a pre loved book.

Purse for Ash,. 
 This year we made a little contract with ourselves, that Christmas gifts would be either be homemade, handmade, kiwi made or second hand. With the exception of few little things we found at markets, I'm happy to say we managed to stick to it.
I usually make something for the girls anyway, but I think giving yourself the 'rules' at the start has made it the most fun I think I've ever had when it comes to gift hunting. & I haven't had the bother of last minute 'rubbish purchases' from the likes of the warehouse etc to blow my budget or my conscious. 
There stocking fillers are coming along, I've saved a few things to my pinterest board 'crissey ideas' if anyone wants a bit of inspiration.
Hope the making & baking of Christmas is rocking along nicely for you all too!
perfect size for a sleep!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

High Tea

 I made strawberry jam today, mmmmm
Then my baby brother popped in for a wee visit,
so we donned our pinny's & whipped up some lemonade scones
Doesn't he look lovely in that floral?

Monday, December 5, 2011

The winner is....

....Mel from 5 in a bed
Soon to be 6 in a bed! Yay!
I hope you like my surprise goodie bag.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

100th post & a little suprise

We made a little hut today...the sun was shining, the lawns were mowed & to be completely honest it's the first time in ages that I've sat down with the kids at their level & played 'with them' rather than them 'playing' with me (eg: helping me cook, sew, domestic stuff ra ra ra ra.....)
I had lots of fun peeping at the sun through the sheets & listening to the garden. For Imogen it was mostly about the food...!
Now, for a little treat to celebrate my 100th post I'm going to give away a little parcel of surprises. Yes if you're into a complete mystery envelope then enter below.....just leave a comment, any old comment, no conditions. Feel free to leave a book or film recommendation, perhaps a song your enjoying at the moment? maybe an inspirational blog or web site??
Happy days!!! whoop whoop

Monday, November 28, 2011

Wedding bells

My baby sister was married in the weekend, I had the lovely honor of being her bridesmaid (that's moi on the right) Twas a beautiful day with fantastic weather, a miracle considering the week we had had! The sun Gods sure shone for her garden ceremony amongst the roses.
Two very proud little flower girls were Anya & Fleur..xx
Hope your weekend was just as lovely.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Little doings

I have had a little SHOP update (at long last)
Please feel free to pop on over for a little look.
I'm on the prowl for Kiwi made & second hand pressies for the kids for Christmas.
Any suggestions/ sites/ DIY ideas welcome!
Hope you're all enjoying the week...despite the hectic weather!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Old Sew & Sew...& So....

New slippers & top for Ginny
Feeling rather a little more productive round here this week (quietly says whoop whoop to one's self)
Lots of little pairs of bidibids. An obsession with cotton lawn that I've been channeling through baby knickers & summer tops. I'm still panicking as I only have two weeks left, but fingers crossed I'll have enough.
I'm hoping to have some more birdy mobiles made, as well as some more soap & baby bottom balm......I need one of those time machine's off Harry Potter....


Mrs Bunny rattles.
 I've been whipping up some smaller goodies to sell as stocking fillers
embroidering their little faces was lots of fun.
Actually my mind is in total over load with ideas flowing left & right.
I find myself thinking away at night, which inevitably turns into weird dreams & even weirder sleep talking. last night I was ranting about someone from Taihapi stealing all our wood for making spoons......Hmmmm
Lots of little baby knickers.

Lots of little tops.
 I've also had a little fun making new labels for 'stuff'
A little gift from my lovely xxx 
 Now for a bit of random ranting:

*I really like THIS song at the mo...
*I'm finally on PINTREST...more distractions,
only inspirational ones which I can justify...somehow?
*I found a COMPLETELY rotten banana & mandarin in Alex's bag when I put his lunch box in there yesterday.
I don't get why this doesn't bother him?
*Fleur managed to get a peppermint stuck up her nose the other morning on our way to Kindy. Why do you always seem to have one child that tends towards these type of situations?
I can add this to the list which includes her head being stuck in the news paper stand at the post shop and getting a toffee pop stuck vertically in her mouth!
Yes it looks like two alcoholics on the couch! All being entertained by Imogen's new facials...halarious!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Haul of luscious fabric

pillow slips & tea towels

retro glasses.....Churr

Vintage slip

miss smocky

Tops & bottoms, sweet
'New' old curtains

Little shoes xx
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