I've been pretty slack on the school holiday activity front. Every one is scratchy from being stuck inside, & now we seem to have the flu in the house NEAT!
We were, however pretty spoilt with 3 whole days of awesome sunshine & NO wind! The kids got some well needed vitamin D making huts & bouncing on the tramp, its amazing how good you feel in sun when we haven't had it for a while.
Yes short lived it was, so yesterday we were back to grey & gloom so the needles are out & the girls had a go at doing some embroidery. They firstly drew a picture that they would like to stitch, Anya chose to draw a fantail (piwakawaka) & Fleur chose a self portrait, very cute. I was surprised at how well Fleur took instructions and listened to what I said, like holding onto the thread & the needle! (Fleur called it the 'knitting thingie'!) Anya was off with very little help which shows me how much shes growing...eek! She is knitting on her own now too, once again, I'm amazed at how much their fine motor skills develop so fast. It was a lot of fun for me & the girls, but short lived thanks to the smallest one who must have 'boobies' & touch everything on the table!! Even though there's only 2.5 years between all the kids I still manage to forget the demands of breast feeding & how it effects the amount of one -on -one you get with the others.
She who must have boobies is currently clogged up with boogies so the boobies are a frustrating experience for the both of us, poor little peanut : (
Today however she had a little nap & Fleur & I escaped into the studio where I whipped up some vintage floral bidibids for her with lamb skin soles...nice & warm with her green merino leggings I made last week xx
Hope you are all keeping warm, & surviving the holidays for those with babes at home...unless of course you're a home schooling goddess who does it every day...bless!